Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Adventure in Togo,Africa!

One week from today I will be embarking on a an amazing journey to Mango, Togo, Africa! It is amazing how your feelings go from excited to extremely nervous in a matter of weeks as a trip gets closer and closer. Now that it is a week away I am definitely nervous but mostly excited to see what God has in store for me while I serve in Mango.

The hospital I am going to is called the Hospital of Hope ( ) located in Mango, Togo. The hospital only opened in March and has seen many patients from all over the surrounding areas in just a few short months. I will hopefully be working in their little NICU and in Labor and Delivery. I expect I will be working with some adults depending on the need for that day. I am excited to share all the knowledge I have gained in the past two years working with those in Togo. 

Some fun facts about Hospital of Hope and Togo:
  • On the first day they triaged 200 patients before lunch!
  • 1,000 patients seen within the first 10 days of opening
  • On June 2nd they saw their 5000th patient!
  • People come from all over Togo, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Niger. 
  • A man made a 3 day journey to be there on opening day and traveled roughly 377 miles
  • There are only two hospitals in Togo! One near the capital and one near the top in Mango
  • Hospital of Hope will serve a population of 1.3 million in the surrounding areas 
  • 10% of the population is infected with HIV
  • 25,000 people expected to be treated in the hospital first year of operation
  • It's a 8-12 hour drive from the capital/airport to the hospital 
"We view every patient as a field. From some we are picking out rocks, other we water, others we plant seed, and every once in a while, God allows us to harvest fruit." -Hospital of Hope Director Alain Niles

I leave on August 28th and come back on the 15th of September! I am planning on updating the blog with pictures while I'm there! Prayers and support while I'm gone for safe travel and a safe working are greatly appreciated. 


  1. So glad I was able to help send you off last night at church. May his light burn bright within you! Don't think I'm going to make it to the hospital before you leave out!

  2. So glad I was able to help send you off last night at church. May his light burn bright within you! Don't think I'm going to make it to the hospital before you leave out!
