Saturday, August 29, 2015

We finally made it!

Well we finally have arrived at the Hospital of Hope after 34 hours of traveling (that includes lay overs)! I am so very grateful for safe travels and no difficulties what so ever getting through customs and finding all of our luggage. 

So from when we left Phoenix we had a four hour flight to Detroit, Michigan. The flight was good but trying to stay awake was extremely difficult because I knew the next flight (8 hours to Paris) was fast approaching. We had about a three hour layover in Detroit where we met the PA on our team. 
Caitlyn is from Fort Wayne, IN and this is her first time traveling to Africa as well. I am very thankful to have another girl on the team that will share the same experiences for the first time with me. Next up, was the flight to Paris which was, in my opinion, the scariest of the three flights. Fortunately the flight was super easy because I took an Ambien soon after we boarded. Unfortunately the Ambien made me slightly incoherent and there are some moments that I don't remember (face palm)! After we arrived in Paris it was lunch time and then a three hour lay over until the final leg into Togo. In the Paris airport I decided that getting macaroons were a must and let me tell you sooooooooo delicious! 
While in Paris we also met up with Dr. Kauffman who is a retired general surgeon from Pennsylvania. He was been to Togo four or five time so he was able to show us the ropes at customs. Our last and final flight was 6 hours from Paris to Lome, Togo (the capital). This flight was definitely excruciating because I wasn't tired and my kindle died (sad sad day). It was definitely weird being one of a dozen people who spoke English but thankfully so did the flight crew. 

Then the moment had arrived and we were in Lome, Togo! Since the national language in Togo is French we tried to use what little French everybody knows. For me that means I can say wi (yes) and merci (thank you) no very much to go on but hopefully I can learn little phrases while I'm here. Getting through customs was an adventure in and of itself! We waited in a very long line to get screened for Ebola, which incidentally meant a guy just pointing a temporal thermometer at my face and guessing my temp! Then we waited some more and finally got through customs and had our luggage in no time! We stayed at a redone apartment building turned hotel for the night. 

In the morning we drove and drove and drove 8.5 hours north to Mango, Togo where hospital of hope is located. We were expecting extremely bumpy and unpaved roads but were pleasantly surprised to find the roads conditions were extremely nice except for the way people drive! There was constant passing and a few holding of our breaths praying we wouldn't hit another car or person on the side of the road. Driving from the capital of Togo then north we really got to see every kind of living conditions and religious groups that populate the country. One of the most fanscinsting thing was how the women can carry these amazingly large buckets on their heads without holding them and sometimes with a baby strapped on their back. Once we reached the hospital we were able to settle into our guest rooms and then have dinner. After dinner we got to tour the hospital which was extremely intimadating to be honest. I'll be starting work on Monday with a nurse named Jess. We are doing floor nursing for my first 5 shifts and then maternity for the last three. We did get to sneak a peak at a precious 30 weeker who is now 32 weeks doing very well! 
 Sorry for the lack of pictures but the internet is pretty slow :( I will try and upload some as soon as I can!

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers while I'm in Togo! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting your trip here; it's amazing to be able to follow along! My prayers are with you for a continued good journey. :)
