Monday, August 31, 2015

First day on the job!

Today is my first day on the job and I'm pretty nervous but mostly excited to help the people of Mango, Togo ! 
Nurses have to wear long skirts and white scrub tops and I'm wearing keens for shows because it rains quite a bit. For the first part of my morning we were assigned four pediatric patients. 3 of which are in their PICU type room and 1 in the regular peds area. Two of our patients had been hit by cars and the other two have malaria with anemia. Obviously it is extremely different assessing a kid but it's also pretty straight forward. The nurse I'm following is Jess and she is here for two years serving in the hospital. The Togolese believe in a very long lunch break (siesta is what they call it) so I was able to eat and lay down for a nap from 12-2!!! 

In the afternoon work slowed down and we just had medications, our final assessments and then report. The two hour brake really speeds your day along :) 

Around 530 we had three patients came in who were all pretty sick. The first patient had malaria who was seizing, the second had a head wound and bled all over the floor before we got him settled in bed, and the third another patient with malaria who needed blood. Near the end of the day I definitely felt much more confident and I am sort of figuring out how to get the equipment and meds I needed. 

(This is my little lady who had a head wound. )

Hopefully doing pediatrics tomorrow and two days off to tour Mango before working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! 

So grateful for all of you who read my first two posts and those who are praying for me!

1 comment:

  1. Jana, I am so excited for you to have this experience! I am always praying for you, your safety and the recovery of the people you're caring for. I can't wait to see the next post! 💕
