Monday, September 7, 2015

Meet Patient 9,516

Unfortunately I'm patient 9,516... Since I haven't been feeling the greatest and have been running a fever for two days with no success of breaking it the PAs decided to treat me prophylacticly for malaria :( I had to go to registration and get a "carnet" which is like a mini patient chart they bring to every hospital visit. 
After that Caitlyn, my lovely PA roommate, wrote me a prescription for coartem. 

After getting the prescription I had to go to pharmacy and get it filled. Luckily since I work at the hospital and am a short term missionary we were able to wait inside in the AC which was nice :) After the pharmacy filled it then you have to go to the cashier and pay. Surprisingly the coartem cost 11,050 CFAs which translates to about $21.29. We were definitely surprised it cost that much in CFAs even though it is in high demand all the time. The amazing thing about the coartem is that once you've taken about 3 doses you should start feeling better. Even if I don't have malaria I'm going to finish the prescription anyways. Yes, just so all of you know I was and still am faithfully taking my anti-malaria meds as well. 

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