Saturday, September 12, 2015

My adventure in Togo

As I sit and reflect on my amazing time in Togo it is hard to not think of a few things I am truly grateful for. 

1. My amazing family and boyfriend who have always supported me no matter what. Family here in Togo is everything and they are so dedicated to getting their loved ones heathy. It would be so amazing to see everyone this invested in their family like the Togolese. No one is ever in the hospital unattended and most family members sleep on the floor at night. I got to experience this first hand because I spent the night (slept on a gurney mattress on the floor) in the hospital with my roommate. She is better and feeling more like herself now. It was just amazing to experience what these people do on a daily basis. 

2. I am very thankful for my job, my team, and modern medicine. Anyone in America would be shocked to learn what these nurses do day in and day out to provide for these people. They have hand-me-down supplies that no one wants or cannot use and makes the best of it. They put their heart and soul into their jobs and really put in a 100% effort all the time. It has deifniey put in perspective for me how much we have at home and how much of a servants heart we need to have for those less fortunate. 

3. This one is silly but I am thankful for Arizona. The general sticky feeling you get here because it's so humid is something I don't think I could forever 😳 I am sorry for those who live in humid weather. 

I head home on Monday and it is going to be even longer than coming here. Pray for safe travels and stamina to get through the drive and three long flights. 

I will depart with one of my favorite memories of my trip. I was able to witness three deliveries and was able to do all the baby stuff once they came out. The babies were healthy, crying, and frankly making my job easier, which I was in turn very grateful for. I was in maternity the last three days I worked and it was amazing to see the moms slowly progress all day and then, more often then not, all of a sudden we would be getting ready to catch a baby! 

Obviously more pictures to follow on Facebook! 

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